What to expect at SBG Swords

Firstly ... thank you for taking the time to visit our site. Hopefully, the fact that you are here means that you have some form of interest in developing functional martial arts skills and the warrior way of life. Whether you just want to get fit and learn new skills or work towards amateur and eventually professional level competitions ... it's all here for you at SBG Swords.   

Boot Camp

Never trained before? No problem ... new members are carefully guided through a 13 week (2 days/evenings per week) program which prepares you with everything that you need to get started. Avoid the 'I have to get fit before I start' mentality. Your 'gas tank' for martial arts relies on multiple components; importantly including skill development (knowing when you can catch a few seconds breath without losing position while grappling for example). You will be very glad that you chose our introduction program over pounding away on a treadmill to get ready!     


Everything you need to become accomplished in striking and grappling and develop your athleticism will be available to you as a martial artist at SBG Swords.   As a member of SBG Swords you will become part of the tribe ... you will form friendships with your training partners and naturally support one another through all the hard work and learning. Daytime and evening classes are available, so whether you work 9 to 5 or shifts, there are classes to suit your schedule. Keep an eye on the website and Facebook page for any updates to the classes timetable  and upcoming seminar.  

Personal Development

Training and learning in MMA & BJJ becomes a lifestyle. You can find numerous testimonials from across the World on how people's lives have changed as a result of MMA & BJJ training. Weight loss, fitness, self-confidence, stress busting ... all common themes reported by students. Your 'game' (fighting style) will develop uniquely around what you like or dislike (for example learning and remembering certain sweeps or submissions that feel right for you). Your style almost becomes like an extension of your personality ... and above all else one thing is for sure ... the learning never stops!